10ma Convención Internacional de Circo de Venezuela (The 10th International Venezuelan Circus Convention)

(10ma Convención Internacional de Circo de Venezuela to its friends)

All juggling events in 2014
Juggling events in Venezuela‎, 2014


Thursday, 6 November 2014 to Sunday, 9 November 2014


La Sabana, Venezuela





Ya está aquí la X Convención de Circo de Venezuela. Un año más se celebra este evento circense entre playas vírgenes y selvas, en medio del caribe… Son cuatro dias donde se compartirán conocimientos y risas, muchas risas.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ConvencionCircove



It's here the Tenth Venezuela Circus Convention. Once again this event is celebrated circus between pristine beaches and jungles, in the middle of the Caribbean ... Four days where shared knowledge and laughter, lots of laughter.

National and International circus performances, cabarets, workshops, renegades, games and more.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ConvencionCircove

Who went

10ma Convención Internacional de Circo de Venezuela elsewhere on the Edge

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