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Showing all entries dated: Thursday, 23 April 2015



3 clubs, 35 minutes

Did a lot of running various patterns while focusing on letting o of areas of tension which is always a worthwhile exercise. Also played with throwing half spins & catching them with the correct grip from below then turning them back to throw as normal which was a nice challenge.

Total practice time: 35 minutes

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mixed prop, 30 minutes

Catch ball on club.

Total practice time: 30 minutes

Location: Home

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3 balls, 4 balls, 5 balls, 70 minutes

I am going to start doing the Anthony Gatto training method,(work on a trick for no more than 2 minutes for one day)but this practice I got carried away for some tricks
3b: bxxs, spent too long on these, and didn't go well. Also worked on overhead endurance
4b:worked on sync and async halfshower, went good, gattoplexes, under the leg and bxxs all went well. Only thing that didn't was overheads
5b:Anthony gattos method for learning a new number, tried to perfect 10 catches. Warmed up by getting that 10 times in a row, started doing 15 catches, then finished with 10 catches 10 times in a row. Will try and perfect 15 catches tommorow
Side note: as I worked on tricks for only around 1-2 mins, I left out many tricks that were not important

Total practice time: 70 minutes

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