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siteswap-theory, 6 balls triplex, 1 minute

Found 6b triplex [12T3] last night .. done with very low Threes and high Ones or looking upon the throws "+2" ( = [345] ) it is more fluent siteswap instead doing 6b-[345][567]022[22][22]. "2T" and next "1" land at the same beat though, which again makes it more difficult on that behalf. 6b-[12T3][22]2, however doesn't seem to make much sense O.o   Now - sorting out with JugglingLab while editing - found 7b 6b-[345][22]2 aswell ( better than 7b-[345][567]722[22][22] ), balls land well spaced here. Looks so easy, slow, low, even boring, that it downright calls for [edit, the 23.-rd, .. djeeses! .. e v e r y t h i n g wrong!?] one two ( 8b-[567][22]2 ) or two four more balls ( 10b-[789][22]2 ). [throws from middle of body avoid collisions] The Get-In with 7b 6b is a [3222] or [5222][222][222] [7222][22] (thrown from a hand holding four balls to other hand holding two balls, the next 3 landing will fill that hand to triplex), for 8b it's (with four balls in each hand) [4222][5222] or easier [5222][6222][222] ( ? maybe more "[222]"-s to be precise? .. or simply 45.. or 56[222].. or 67.. ) .. any case, however: leaving you with three balls in either hand to start the triplexing.

Total practice time: 1 minutes

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