Ethan's practice log

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3 balls, 4 balls, 5 balls, 6 balls, 7 balls, 8 balls, 9 balls, 10 balls, 11 BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, 700 minutes

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! I GOT THE 11 BALL FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YYEAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Total practice time: 700 minutes

Location: garage

Comments (11)
7b_wizard - knew it, knew it, knew it! .. that "boringboringboring" was to lure us all safe, while you were compassing on smashing major record's .. haha :o]) .. great move!
Ethan - HA HA HA!!!! FOOLED!!!!!!
PipJim - Nice. What balls are you using for this. The same as in your YouTube videos?
peterbone - Well done Ethan. Good feeling isn't it. What's your YouTube channel?
Ethan - yeah I used the N8s......But I only have 9 N8s, so I had to use my 9 year old Klutz juggling balls.........They are nasty.................
Ethan - here is my youtube channel
Ethan - I really need to make some new videos.........
PipJim - Good work on doing it with Klutz balls - they probably are pretty nasty! You've obviously improved a lot since your last video. Surprised it's only 2 weeks old.....must be old footage???
Ethan - yeah the footage was taken a while back.........I was cleaning out my video camera of old videos and I didn't just want to delete all of them, so I smushed them all into one youtube video;) I was actually planning on making a new video today........It will be titled "Juarez", and it will be boss;)
PipJim - Cool. Be ace to see your 8 and 9 ball records in there. Not many people who run 8 balls at your age (are there any others running 50+ throws?). And some of the stuff you're posting I'm not sure anyone's done
Ethan - I'll be sure to throw some 8 ball and 9 ball stuff into the vid.......maybe even some 10 ball and 11 ball as well...