7b_wizard's practice log

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7 balls, 9 balls flashing, 3 heavy balls, 5 heavy balls, #nature, 240 minutes

Repaired my small leather balls, 5 cm, 55 gr, for better 9b flashing, for 2½ hours.

3b freestyle, misc - 20 min.5 heavy balls, 200 gr casc - 5 min.   7-high: 113 throws; 5-high: 277 th. Very few even 9-high.   9b flashing - 60 min. (small leather balls)   Max 7 gathers; almost 8 g (three arm-body contacts, before fell). Once 9 c in reach.   A few well-spaced, well-timed patterns launched (spread, not `in line´)   7b casc - 45 min.   Rather bad; nothing counted over even only 35 th, just one longer run not counted. Not `got it´ right this unit.

(had to move, due to mowing) 7b casc - 110 min.   Not fresh, not all speedy, but forced some longer runs, one rather outstanding (not counted, but maybe ~>45 th + x). [ dailyLongestRun7b: 47 ]

#nature - surprisingly - 'cos no stones around and in the shade - a little lizard scurried over my Bubbles on my blanket and didn't mind me taking my nine balls just beside.

Total practice time: 240 minutes

Location: shady rivershore-meadow

Comments (2)
GumybolzZ - What kind of lizard was it? Just curious.
7b_wizard - A ``small´´ one :o]) .. one of these zillions that sit on stones on hot days. ((('t wasn't a "Lounge Lizard")))