Heydar's practice log

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balancing, head bounce, 3 rings, 4 rings, 5 rings, 6 rings, 7 rings, 8 rings, 3 clubs, club passing, 90 minutes

Started with a go at a 2 ball head bounce. Properly hard, maybe more than I was expecting. Got 2 bounces a couple of times and almost got 3, but felt randoms.

Rings felt really good. Got the kick with 5 and almost got it twice. 6 rings felt especially nice. Managed async to sync to async again with enough control to end with a pulldown. 24 catches clean of 7, but no flash of 8.

Mucked around with 3 club trick where I thumb spin a club to drop it behind me as a heli then spin and catch it on the bounce.

Club passing with Becky. 7 club popcorn with triples then 10 club 2 count. Must film the latter to work out the timing issue on my side.

Total practice time: 90 minutes

Location: CUJA

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