7b_wizard's practice log

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7 balls, 3 clubs basics, 3 clubs tricks, 3 heavy balls, 5 heavy balls, 5 balls, 5 ball tricks, #mentec, 205 minutes

3c basics - ~5 min 40, 200 doubles. 14, 16 triples. 3 quadruples.
3c 34530 - ~5 min. (single, double, triple, single) 2 sides, looking forward to three lol. #mentec - Did "instantly forget what's thrown and released" .. usually i kind of check if the spin came well (if it will turn and land as should), which makes me think slower, not with the mind be in pattern's beat. However, that works only when the throws come (automized) well, else i get battered with half-spins much worse. Felt great though, like having some spare millisecs to have an eye on and juggling the whole pattern (not single throws).
3b 200gr, freestyle, misc - ~15 min.
5 heavy balls, 200 gr casc - ~10 min.
5b casc varied - ~20 min.
5b 56752 - ~5 min. Bad.
7b casc - ~50 min. ,, 51,,, 59, throws runs longer than 40 th. [Commas = timeline]
(forced rain- & snack-break, 10')
5b endure - ~5 min. 88 and 507 throws.   [ dailyLongestRun5b: 507 ]
(drove to other site for here were puddles now, 25')
7b casc - ~90 min. ( completely lost my fitness, cold muscles now .. should 'a re-warmed up with <7b ) ,,,,, 53,,,,, throws runs longer than 40 th.   [ dailyLongestRun7b: 59 ]

Total practice time: 205 minutes

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