7b_wizard's practice log

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7 balls, 5 ball tricks, #StagesOfLearning, 3 heavy balls, 5 balls, 3 clubs basics, 5 heavy balls, 7 balls splits, 8 balls triplex, 290 minutes

3c basics - ~7 min 709 doubles(! best ever). 25, 41 triples.
3b 200gr, freestyle, misc - ~33 min.
5 heavy balls, 200 gr casc - ~5 min.
5b splits bx - ~10 min. Five times 8 c cl; two times 10 c cl; once 14 c cl; once 15 c and once 16 c cl (= PR confirmed). #SoL - Throwing late when previous throw is already falling, seems to give a good beat.
7b splits - ~10 min. One 14 c cl; one 16 (18?) c cl (counted "hop-hop-hop--.." so dunno exactly). Max throws to breakdown was 11.
8b [567][22]2 - ~10 min. Max six throws to breakdown.
5b 52567 - ~45 min. Upto fifth side thrown. (Thinking it in high pairs, 67 over low 5-s, doing after melody and trying strict after beat, which mainly means no hurried crescendo-throws).
5b fastest - ~10 min. 39 throws run.
5b wristy 7-high - ~10 min. 60, 120, 55, 55, 65, 100 throws runs.
7b casc - ~145 min. 43, 44, 68 (forced an extra bit height for this one), 43, 41, 47, 51, 41, [short break], (5' of more 52567), 45 cl, 57 cl, 61, 44 throws runs longer than 40 th. [ dailyLongestRun7b: 68 ] Very good yield, good arms, fresh juggling with fresh weather.

Total practice time: 290 minutes

Location: rivershore-meadow

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