7b_wizard's practice log

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3 heavy balls, 9 balls flashing, 5 ball tricks, #StagesOfLearning, #mentec, 5 heavy balls, 230 minutes

3b 200gr, freestyle, misc - 45 min.   including single behind back looking, in a 5-count or slower.
5 heavy balls, 200 gr casc - 10 min.
5b 56752 - 25 min.   #SoL, #mentec - lately thinking the pattern as 56752, from pause to pause, as a crescendo plus getting rid of a last 5 to the other side, that is (not in ``sides´´ with the pause amidst anymore, or also not as two high throws over two low throws); currently seems more `natural´ like that.   Got 9 sides [oops .. can't say that anymore, so:] rounds to collapse. Best clean was only 5 rounds.
9b flashing - 35 min.   Six times 7 gathers, one o which 8 g in reach. Max throws to collapse were 11 once, =2 rethrows.
7b casc - 115 min.   43, 53, 53, 45, 51, 41, 49, 47 throws longest runs.   [ daily7b II: 53 ]

Total practice time: 230 minutes

Location: rivershore-meadow

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