7b_wizard's practice log

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7 balls, 3 heavy balls, 9 balls flashing, 5 ball tricks, #StagesOfLearning, 5 heavy balls, 240 minutes

3b 200gr, freestyle, misc - 65 min.
5 heavy balls, 200 gr casc - 10 min.
9b flashing - 35 min. Three times 7 gathers.
5b 52567 - 25 min. #SoL - Strong emphasis for the 6-es is still crucial. Got upto a 6 sides clean run.
7b casc - 105 min. (an hour with jacket against strong windchill) 55, 51, 45, 45, 52 cl, 49, 47 throws longest runs. [ daily7b II: 55 ]

Total practice time: 240 minutes

Location: rivershore-meadow

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