7b_wizard's practice log

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5 ball tricks, 80 minutes

80' - 5b rev casc - 63, 95, 81, 81 cl, [*] 73, 65 throws longest runs. [ 5b reverse cascade progress: 95 ]
      [*] - looks like a good phase above average here, but those runs were mostly with bail-out-fights amidst, so not entirely rollin', not wholly the wheel kept on turnin'.   Generally those rows of numbers aren't meant for statistics or to be plotted to a chart or something - they sort of speak to me and tell what was possible that day and what not. Single peak runs for instance don't mean too much then, Only what all I got that day and that on several days will - when reading again much later - reflect the level I was doing at, but I'll have to remember or word more, how it felt, how much control I felt over a pattern, and-or how comfortable I was with it, °right°.   Also, I'm not as nerdy as to have any priority on counting as it might look, but I get some uncounted runs too, when the pattern really challenges me and-or when I use another #n-count emphasis e.g. when overall speeding up some, or else when I slide into a dull phase and simply don't remember how many sets of eight throws I'm at.

Total practice time: 80 minutes

Location: indoors low ceiling

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