7b_wizard's practice log

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7 balls, 9 balls flashing, 5 ball tricks, 3 heavy balls, 5 heavy balls, 274 minutes

3b 200gr, freestyle, misc - 20 min.
5 heavy balls, 200 gr casc - 7 min. 195 5-high.
9b flashing - 52 min. Six times 7 gathers. One 8 g incl. bodycaughts. Very few rethrows (got no pattern for).
5b 56752 - 47 min. An 8 sides clean. Rest mostly upto 6 s.
7b casc - 48 min. ( nothing, windy, facing wind, had sun in an eyecorner to the side I get drifts to. also uneven meadow here notably restricting stepping, tiptoeing freely - #conditions )
[short break] ( changed into shade, so at least hadn't sidelit balls anymore )
7b casc - 100 min. 49, 45, 46 throws longest runs. [ daily7b II: 49 ]

Total practice time: 274 minutes

Location: shady rivershore-meadow

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