7b_wizard's practice log

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7 balls, 9 balls flashing, 5 ball tricks, #StagesOfLearning, #psychologic, 7 balls splits, 3 heavy balls, 5 heavy balls, 195 minutes

3b 200gr, freestyle, misc - 10 min.
5 heavy balls, 200 gr casc - 5 min.   175 throws 5-high to collapse.
9b flashing - 20 min.   Four times 7 gathers in first ten minutes.
5b 52567 - 22 min.   A few each, 6th, 7th and 8th sides partly clean.   #SoL - new issue detected: 2.nd 5 sometimes tends to come a bit too high ( #psych - anticipating the crescendo on that side ), entailing either, when I don't notice, the subsequent 6 being too low leading to the pattern collapsing, or else, when I notice, the constraint to do the 6 and 7 higher resulting in the pattern getting higher and higher to then also collapse. Remedy: just a question of sticking to the right ``melody´´ (low--hold--low--high_self--higher--a.s.o.).
7b fastest - 15 min.   Stuck to low patterns (making it a longer stint wasn't intended, just happened), that again went incredibly well; got over two cycles (17-19 catches, i think) clean at about one..two handwidths above head. When I lost that flow, did normal high again (about 1½-2ft above head and higher) ..
7b casc - 102 min.   43, 43, 43 cl, 51, 43, 45, 49, 43 throws longest runs.   [ daily7b II: 51 ]
7b splits - 20 min.   About three times 9 duplex thrown, but nothing clean.

Total practice time: 195 minutes

Location: rivershore-meadow

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