7b_wizard's practice log

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7 balls, 9 balls flashing, 3 heavy balls, 5 heavy balls, 213 minutes

3b 200gr, freestyle, misc - 10 min.
5 heavy balls, 200 gr casc - 1 min.   149 throws run 5-high.
9b flashing - 65 min.   Over 20 times 7 gathers. No 8 g (?!), and only two or three 8 g in reach. Maybe 9 c in reach, but spotted late and last balls came fast. Two or three launches with not so reasonable rethrows.
7b casc - 137 min.   Mediocre yield: 57, 47, 47, 43 throws longest runs, and corresponding performance: got it well only shortly, but mostly struggling to get it comfortably snapped-in.   [ daily7b II: 57 ]

Total practice time: 213 minutes

Location: meadow under bridge

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