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Viewing all threads tagged #31.


The Void -

Had a reasonable turnout at #Altern8 last night. 11 or so. Ian brought some lush ginger biscuits. Richard and Ian were doing some countdown passing, and trying to ignore fak's "helpful" counting out loud as they did so. Timon was the new guy, doing some nice ball juggling. Ben had his big rings out, Dee was talking about a statistics book called "The lady drinking tea", the title of which we all immediately mentally added a hyphen to, to create a misplaced modifier. ("Lady-drinking"). I was the only clicker this week, so I spent a little while trying to break some forum records, and had a go at Consistency challenge #31, which I find pretty tricky. Inspired by the latter, I came up with this trick:

Dee - - Parent

I got it slightly wrong last night... it is "The Lady Tasting Tea" rather than "The Lady Drinking Tea" (by David Salsburg) ... both versions of the name could be misinterpreted with stray hyphens...


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