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British Juggling Convention 2010


Orinoco -

British Juggling Convention 2010 HLGCBS

H: I think the biggest high was being there for the pre-show chaos, this in itself has become an event in itself. The spectacular organ recital during this one was a real treat.

However, some embarrassing photographic evidence suggests my biggest high was hitting one of the tricks during the BKO.

L: The number of people I had to challenge about not having their passes, even people I know who should know better, this made me grumpy. To be fair all but 1 got their passes & came back to me.

Person who may or may not be called Beth, I will be looking for you...

G: Represent TWJC well at the BKO - check

C: Loz Becoz, for the obvious & for managing a smile the morning after the night before when I grabbed her to say well done for the previous night's renegade.

B: Struggling to get a seat in the Swamp tent.

S: Cat's explosion, I don't think any of us expected that.

#hlgcbs #bjc2010


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