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Orinoco -

Oh yeah, how was Bristol then?

Little Paul - - Parent

I enjoyed the 4hrs of it I was there for...

Danny Colyer - - Parent

I'm glad you enjoyed your few hours, and I take full responsibility for my double trouser soaking.

You missed one of the best convention shows I've ever seen - the second half was a full hour of Steve Rawlings!

The first half included an act by Jay Rawlings, very much a chip off the old block.

varkor - - Parent

I was disappointed I couldn't make it :(

The Void - - Parent

Like this:

The Void - - Parent

#bristol13 #bristol2013

Orinoco - - Parent

There are a couple of titles in there that suggest Bristol might not happen again, is that true?

Richard Loxley - - Parent

To my knowledge Dave & Judy fully expect to run the convention next year.

What's up-in-the-air is the venue. The scout camp have put their site rental price up considerably (I think I heard it cost £1000 extra this year compared to last year?) As such I believe Dave & Judy are looking for alternative sites to host the convention.

So it will still be The Number 1 Convention. It may or may not be Bristol convention. At least one of the potential sites mentioned is in the South West - I'm not sure if all the options are?

But as I said as I left the site - it's not the place, it's the people, init?

Little Paul - - Parent

if they've not already tried it, washingpool farm in pilning is just down the road from woodhouse park, and is where Bristol Volksfest moved after woodhouse park made it too expensive to hold it there. They also do a lovely car boot every sunday...


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