Threads tagged #forkicks

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Viewing all threads tagged #forkicks.

This tag could refer to:
Forkicks Hobbyist Jugglers Club


Robotic juggle -

#Forkicks hey orincoco this club is starting back up in two weeks is there any way to fix the DEfunkt marker

Mïark - - Parent

Click on the "Edit this club" link (in green) at the bottom of the club description

then between the Cost section and the Meeting dates/times section partway down the edit page is a checkbox with the label
Still meeting (unchecking this box will move this listing from the current listings and enter it into the archives)

tick that checkbox and the club will no longer be marked as Defunkt

Mïark - - Parent

oh, and click on Save at the bottom of the edit page

Robotic juggle -

Started a new juggling club in my area if u live near carterville Illinois come join us the firs Thursday of every month

York Jugglers - - Parent

Good luck with your new juggling club.

Have a hashtag so people might find your juggling club listings from this thread: #Forkicks

Roflcopter - - Parent

if I find myself in Illinois I'll stop by

Robotic juggle - - Parent

Thank u for ur support


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