Threads tagged #magyarzsonglrtallkoz2015

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Husky -

Hi Jugglers!

I am Husky from Hungary, and I would like to update the infos about the hungarian juggling life and share the events of Hungary by the Hungarian Juggling Association

You can check what I have done in the last years here:


Little Paul - - Parent

Hi Husky, welcome!

also, nice to see people still using in the wild :)

Mïark - - Parent

Hi Husky,

welcome to the Edge, the doesn't seem to be working for me, maybe you need to speak to your webmaster.

I am impressed to see there are three juggling clubs in Budapest some with potentially 24 hour juggling access.

Facebook suggests I should go to ZsonglőrHúsvét '15 (though unfortunately it clashes with BJC), my Hungarian isn't very good - is it something to do with juggling rabbits?

Husky - - Parent

yeah, is crashed somehow. currently we working on the new site. :)

ZsonglőrHúsvét'15 is a one day long event by the Hungarian Juggling Association with an Open Stage at the end. In the afternoon we listen to some reports from people who were on abroad scholarships, play Volleyclub and different types of Combat and practice together.

We have 2-3 events like this in a year (Christmas, Carneval and Easter time) the Hungarian Juggling Convention #MagyarZsonglrtallkoz2015 and of course we also celebrate the World Juggling Day.

lukeburrage - - Parent

I'm coming to Hungary this year. See you in June!

Husky - - Parent

I saw you were faster than me to put the #HJC2015 on the event list. How do you get the info? It's a mystery for me! :) The translation too.

Mïark - - Parent

I keep an eye on Europe Juggling Convention Calendar which has most the juggling conventions on. Sorry about the translation, language isn't my strong point.

Husky - - Parent

I see. thanks for that
dont worry, the translation is VERY OK! :)
and as I see its vica versa. the E.J.C. Calendar get events from juggling edge.


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