Hopefully an interesting question for you all, something I've been pondering…

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magicalmarkwatson -

Hopefully an interesting question for you all, something I've been pondering for a while...

Are there many jugglers that train juggling AND train at the gym for fitness? If so, do you find it a good aid to your juggling? Any particular forms of exercise you find particularly useful?

Would love to know your thoughts!

Cedric Lackpot - - Parent

Yes, undoubtedly. There will be plenty of jugglers who like to stay fit for any number or reasons, for instance because they are also climbers or uni/bi-cyclists or parkouristes. But there will also be quite a number of jugglers attending circus schools, where physical conditioning and fitness is just a normal part of the school day.

I'm not convinced that general gym training is all that much help for juggling per se - the specific fitnesses will mostly come with prolonged practice anyway - but I am completely sure that general fitness, especially the kind likely to be taught at circus schools, will do wonders for posture, body awareness, flexibility, core strength, and so on. None of these more general improvements is likely to be detrimental to one's juggling skill in any way.

I studied at circus school a quarter of a century ago, and in less than a year and a half I went from a pasty bag of flab to super fit, strong, and flexible, and although I can't say it transformed my juggling abilities I will assert that it was worth it in many ways. Towards the end of my time there I was training hard perhaps ten times a week, and it showed.

Little Paul - - Parent

I'm reminded of this recent WJF article https://thewjf.com/2013/12/from-juggling-to-bodybuilding/

Orinoco - - Parent

I don't go to the gym (running > running machine, bike > exercise bike etc.) but I have a number of physical hobbies that keep me fit. Just doing exercises to keep fit seems such a waste of time when you could be learning a skill & getting fit in the process.

Being fit & strong is good for *everything* not just juggling! One day you may need to run across the top of a train leaping between carriages, it's in everybody's best interests to be in a physical condition to do so.


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