Had a couple of young newbies again at TWJC.

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Orinoco -

Had a couple of young newbies again at TWJC. Archie who has taught himself to ride & freemount a unicycle & Edward who strangely had a cascade as solid as a veteran but couldn't do any tricks. Both were very keen learners who I hope we'll see again. Then we went for a pint with a rubber cow.


Kelhoon - - Parent

so what was the first trick he learned that night ?

Topper - - Parent

I showed him how to do 4 and told him he should be able to learn it by next week.

Little Paul - - Parent

Is he going to come back next week with a solid 5 ball cascade?

Because I've had that happen more than once, and it's really depressing.

Orinoco - - Parent

Over the top of course, he also did well with individual backcrosses & the triplex start.


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