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Monte -

No reviews of Camp Dave. Was the change of site so traumatic that posting a review proved impossible or does no-one go anywhere but Suffolk and BJC's anymore. I couldn't go this year and have only spoken to a couple of people who did so am interested in finding out what people thought. I did hear that a quite a few regulars didn't make it and that Dave managed to fix the poker again.

Little Paul - - Parent

I'd been holding off on writing anything because I was only there for one night, on the first Saturday. I'd love to hear from anyone who was there longer.

The site was nice enough (although while superficially appearing to be flat, it was in fact very slopey in lots of directions, just over shorter distances - not as comfortable in a tent but I was in the van so it was fine for me!) the compost loo arrangements were nice, but that's probably more because they were newly built rather than any particular quirk of design.

I didn't get a chance to explore the local area, but it seemed nice enough as I drove through it.

I didn't make much use of the catering, although the soup I did have from them was very nice. I was impressed by the plywood/lino false floor which had been constructed in the kitchen. That's got to make cleanup of a tented kitchen easier surely!

I had a lot of fun in the evening, drinking and mucking about with various old lags, but then that would have happened anywhere there were those people - and a bottle of tequila.

I made a pleasing amount of progress with the mouthstick/bottle trick considering I was only on site for 24 hours.

Orinoco - - Parent

You managed to get the BOV to Dave Altman's place in Atlanta?! I'm impressed! (or is there another Camp Dave?)

Little Paul - - Parent

Ahh, it's an easy mistake to make, the name is case sensitive. "Camp Dave" used to be in Bristol and is now in Oxford. "Camp DAVE" is the USA, if it ever happens. I propose we lessen the confusion by renaming the U.K. one "camp bastard" for clarity

I have just remembered a highlight, watching Dave get his caravan stuck on the gatepost of his own festival caused much chuckling :)

Cedric Lackpot - - Parent

> Camp DAVE

Shome mishtake shurely? Shouldn't it be Camp DAVE:?

charlieh - - Parent

So....I went from Thursday to Sunday on the last weekend. Sorry to miss you LP.

It felt like an older Bristol, or possibly a slightly busier than usual Bungay. It's only one 4 acre field so everyone was in one place, which was great - I hadn't liked how Bristol has splintered into 5 or 6 different venues over the last few years. They had the Bungay big top plus a party tent stuck on one end as cafe/game space with the kitchen in another party tent stuck on the end.

Lots of old faces but many missing, which was sad. It's easier to get to for some and harder for others I guess. I did a few annual things (pass 8 clubs with Wise Paul, drink slammers with Ben Cornish & Lynn), helped put the show together (PA, staging - lots of fun as all we had were a few bits of string, sticks and tarp), plus the usual sitting about and chatting. I spent a lot of time with Kiwi Jo (who helped out at BBU) which was great, although the late night ooh-we-haven't-tried-that-drink-yet session caused pain the next day. The show was great fun and high quality. Facilities were mostly built by Uncle John, most were composting and the showers were the best I've used at a festival.

My only downside was the lack of noise curfew enforcement (Michael Jackson at 7am on Sunday makes me grumpy) - I'm not sure I can persuade the rest of the family to come if we'll all get that little sleep. Apart from that it was marvellous and a wonderful reboot of an old favourite.


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