I really need to do something about the state of club passing at TWJC.

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Orinoco -

I really need to do something about the state of club passing at TWJC... It started off well, Richard asked me to help him with 7 clubs which went very well. He'd never even done 6 club 2 count on doubles before but we managed a few runs of 10+ passes which I was very impressed with, he does have a tendency to pass very short though which we'll have to work on. Then Kev joined in for some 3 count feeding, which took longer to explain than to do. It was lovely to be visited by Susannah who then joined in for some box work which we made difficult by all juggling at different rhythms. Then we were joined by Rico & John (who admirably endured ridicule for bringing Radical Fish (spit) to the group) so we had a go at the circle pattern where you pass to everyone in turn including yourself & a W feed, both of which were chaos. Since the Dave's left us to pursue ukeleliage I think Simon & I have been too absorbed in our solo stuff causing passing standards to slip. I think this needs to be rectified because it is a lot of fun! Susannah was also doing lots of technical diabolo tricks (I'd not seen the double grind with one diabolo above the other then quickly swapping sticks which was a nice effect). It amused me that some of our younger members were so in awe of her abilities that they were afraid to approach her, especially seeing as Susannah is of er... a diminutive stature. It's been a long time since I've felt intimidated by someone's juggling skill, not because I've got better it's just that I feel so at home in the juggling community.



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