Couple of UK kendama events.

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The Void -

Couple of UK kendama events.
Leicester Kendama Open Feb 28th
British Kendama Open May 2/3rd

Cedric Lackpot - - Parent

I bumped into one of the clicking crew at Leicester New College a few weeks ago Void, 'cos I take the kids to parkour at the sports centre there. A nice chap whose name I unfortunately forget, but he was very complimentary about you - whoulda thunk?!?

The Void - - Parent

:-) Probably Jordan, maybe Jack... or...

Mïark - - Parent

The Leicester Kendama Open clashes with Ballring and the BKO might clash with Lestival (if it is on again next year in its usual 1st weekend in May). It might be sad to see less kendama-ists at juggling conventions.

The Void - - Parent

Neither of the events you mention are listed on the Edge. And only the social day of BKO clashes with potentialLestival, jugglers can still come to competition day if they like. The number of jugglers-into-kendama is probably approaching saturation point anyway. Kendama growth will undoubtedly be outside of the juggling world.


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