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Roflcopter -

Hey guys,
I know I've been gone for a long time now. Hopefully most of you still remember me though.
Anyway, I found out the hard way that "jugglingstore.com" is no longer in business. This has proven to be a large hassle to me being that the holidays are coming up and it's time to add some things to my prop chest. So after an hour of sitting in the floor talking to myself I have determined that i need the following items.
3 white Delphins
5 red sil x or five red russian balls
and one standard beard juggling ring.
I'm having trouble with finding a normal sized beard juggling ring online that I can order in the United States.
Also, can anyone tell me where i can find a hard shelled, high quality Russian ball?

p.s. I'd like to welcome all those who have joined in my absence to the edge.

Mike Moore - - Parent

"Also, can anyone tell me where i can find a hard shelled, high quality Russian ball?"

If you're a DIYer, some friends of mine had good luck making Russians out of these: https://www.amazon.ca/Hot-Glove-Practice-Plastic-Baseballs/dp/B002BZWH3A/ref=sr_1_25?ie=UTF8&qid=1417057901&sr=8-25&keywords=wiffle+balls

(More as a showing you what they are, not so much recommending a purchase of 200)

If not, Plug & Plays are nice. You can get them from Renegade Juggling: https://www.renegadejuggling.com/Fill-Yourself-Russian-Ball-p288.html

EricS - - Parent

Second the recommendation for the Play "plug and play" Russians that Renegade sells. I also have a set of Renegade Russians (glass bead filled), but would say I like the plug/play ones better. That said, I have the orange and yellow ones and find the orange shell a little more "slick" than the yellow, but YMMV.

On the Beard ring, Butterfingers does ship to the US. Haven't looked at the exchange rate, but I got my DX balls from them at a pretty reasonable rate (with shipping) some time back.

I feared the worst when the jugglingstore site went down. Anybody know who else is selling the "fuego" rings they used to have?

Roflcopter - - Parent

Thanks, can you tell me a little more about the renegade Russians? How much give does the shell have to it?

EricS - - Parent

There's some give on the Renegade Russians, but not a lot. I'm not sure if they will "break in" over time, but as of yet, I'd say they are pretty firm. I believe the shell is from the same mold and plastic (though maybe thinner shell) as their stage balls, and they are pretty firm.


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