Anyone have one of those magic tips that suddenly makes spinning two balls on…

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Solander -

Anyone have one of those magic tips that suddenly makes spinning two balls on top of each other like 10 times simpler? Anything from placement of elbow to where to look.

Little Paul - - Parent

Look at the contact point between the two balls.

The drop/spin on the top ball is all a matter of personal taste.

The Void - - Parent

When you said "magic tips", I was imagining some object that you wear on the end of your finger.
Anyone got any of those?! :-)

Mïark - - Parent

If you didn't have a thumb tip, where would you store your handkerchief?

Little Paul - - Parent

Sean Blue uses false fingernails which are cut to shape to allow him to do his 3 stageballs in one hand curl thing.

Which isn't so much "magic" as it is "impossible witchcraft!"

Solander - - Parent

With magic I meant something like a placement that suddenly made everything easier. :)


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