Hmm, if Bristol are writing reviews of juggling meetings as well as Tunbridge…

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York Jugglers -

Hmm, if Bristol are writing reviews of juggling meetings as well as Tunbridge Wells, perhaps we should too:

This Tuesday meeting we were celebrating Japanese Bean Throwing Day (節分 Setsubun) by the throwing of beanbags.
We weren't expecting expecting a huge turnout following possible juggling exhaustion from holding Chocfest on Saturday and then a marathon 17 hour juggling session on Sunday, but we were very pleased to see J again who hadn't been able to come the past few weeks as he had been rehearsing for the première of his new show. Sadly J then cut his hand open on a beanbag and despite the venue's first aid kit being about 10 years past its expiry date we managed to successfully bandage his hand without too much mummification.

After an unsolicited advert in a local free magazine we had two new members, one who hadn't juggled for 25 years and another beginner wanting to learn juggling and poi spinning. D and A taught how to juggle while M tried to teach Poi, fortunately E took over the poi teaching. K who hadn't juggled for 25 years very quickly learnt how to do new tricks.

Apart from the beginners and J's bloodstained beanbag juggling and experiments combining different sizes of juggling rings, The meeting did seem to be a bit juggling club dominated, including E & M passing PassPassZipPassZip combined with PassPassHeffPassSelf, A & M passing Whynot and 7 clubs. D is still not juggling his brand new clubs, but using his old ones.

In the tea break it was discussed whether chocolate biscuits should be chocolate side up or chocolate side down.


Lorri - - Parent

How do you cut your hand on a beanbag?

And my vote goes with up.

Orinoco - - Parent

Drawing pins do not make a good beanbag filling.

I also go with chocolate side up. I've heard people argue that you should eat them chocolate side down so the chocolate hits your tastebuds first/more but to me the biscuit is just as if not more important than the chocolate. If you want to taste chocolate, eat a chocolate bar!

Danny Colyer - - Parent

My wife eats chocolate biscuits chocolate side up, which has always struck me as rather strange.  If you don't want to taste chocolate, eat a non-chocolatey biscuit!

emilyw - - Parent

Chocolate up means more chocolate gets in your mouth as opposed to melting on your fingers while you try and scoff the thing.

What I don't like are those chocolate biscuits with a secret layer of caramel under the chocolate, so they masquerade as a regular choccy biccy, but then when you go to take a bite you end up stuck to the biscuit with crumbs everywhere! False advertising I say.

Little Paul - - Parent

Those caramel biscuits sound like a good idea when you read the packet, but the caramel is always too hard and chewey which makes them near impossible to eat.

I have the same issue with some brands of jammy dodger

Orinoco - - Parent

Sounds like you are not getting your biscuits up to the proper temperature.

Little Paul - - Parent

I've tried warming them on top of the mug of tea, but by the time the caramel has suitably softened, the chocolate is almost liquid :(

Orinoco - - Parent

Ah, in which case you must like your caramel very soft. Have you tried Tregroes toffee waffles? They are fantastic when warmed on the top of a mug of tea.

Mïark - - Parent

Stroopwafels are wonderful biscuits designed to fit perfectly on top of your cup of tea while they warm up to the correct temperature - but why would you adulterate them with chocolate!

Little Paul - - Parent


I'm pleased to see that over the last year or so they've become easy to get hold of in uk supermarkets, I don't have to "import" them any more. Which is good, because my dutch colleague hasn't been to visit his family recently :)

emilyw - - Parent

It's not the consistency of the caramel per se, it's sticking the stiff caramel to a relatively crumbly biscuit and then disguising the whole thing as a more consistent kind of biscuit. It's too difficult to eat it all tidily, especially when you don't realise you've picked up a Sneaky Caramel Combo until the crumbs have already all gone on the floor!

Topper - - Parent

Two chocolate biscuits at once so chocolate up and down at the same time.

Richard Loxley - - Parent

After having this discussion many times at juggling meet-ups, I have tried both methods.

I find that chocolate-side up tastes more chocolatey than chocolate-side down.

I suspect one's chewing action makes a significant difference to the taste distribution.

Little Paul - - Parent

Chocolate side up, preferably plain chocolate topped with a slice of nice strong cheddar cheese.

Sounds weird, but totally awesome

emilyw - - Parent

Cheese is for GINGER biscuits. Philistine.

Mïark - - Parent

Cheese is for fruit cakes.

Little Paul - - Parent

Oh god yes.

This with (baby) bells on

emilyw - - Parent

I eat cheese and am not a fruit cake!

Little Paul - - Parent

It's not an either or.

Cheese is also nice with hobnobs, bourbons and malted milk. Not so good on a custard cream though

Al_Bee - - Parent

Bristol is writing reviews of Tunbridge Wells?

The Void - - Parent

*points and laughs at the poor attempt at semantic vertigo*


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