why u gotta be dat way orin 3:

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GumybolzZ -

why u gotta be dat way orin 3:

GumybolzZ - - Parent

wups, i thought my post was deleted. Why cant i delete posts? oh well.

peterbone - - Parent

This is not a typical forum. There's no way to edit or delete posts. It forces you to think carefully before posting. Perhaps Orinoco can delete posts if you ask nicely.

Orinoco - - Parent

Because mistakes are good, they show people who we are.

Cedric Lackpot - - Parent

Except when they get edited anyway - during/dying.

It's a perfectly reasonable decision of course, in a most sensitive situation, but let's not pretend that the past is always preserved like flies in amber for all to see.

Orinoco - - Parent

Not sure what you are alluding to here. I've certainly not edited anything posted by our deceased friends.

The extent of altering posts on the Edge that I've done:

Correcting copious amounts of broken links & html, mostly in the early days of the Edge. Very little of that nowadays.

Deleting of duplicate posts.

Removal of a quote attributed to someone using their professional title that that person claimed they didn't say & didn't want to be associated with.

Correction of some names, facts etc. in two of my festival reviews.

Changing the attribution of some posts to Anonymous (a compromise as the user wanted them deleted but I don't think it is fair to break threads that others have participated in).

The only other person who can do anything on Small talk is Mïark who only deletes duplicate posts.

Little Paul - - Parent

I believe he's referring to the one word change made to https://jugglingedge.com/forum.php?ThreadID=2137&SmallID=15533#Small15533 - correcting what mini typed to what he clearly meant to type.

Mïark - - Parent

Mïark might have corrected a typo by Mini to avoid any ambiguity in a sensitive thread and a wrong postcode by Monte to avoid people going to the wrong place, but other than that I don't think he has edited anything else in the past few months.

peterbone - - Parent

Well done. I think that the amount of editing of posts is at just the right level.

Cedric Lackpot - - Parent

Yep, this.

To be clear, I don't have a problem with editing, I think it should be available to all, and I'm also content with the running of The Edge, with the exception that I find "Because mistakes are good, they show people who we are" mildly disingenuous unless you append "except when they don't".

There is occasional discontinuity between the aspiration and the actuality that I feel should be acknowledged. A practical method of post hoc revision would be preferable.

Orinoco - - Parent

My mistakes are still clearly visible here, here & here (turns out it was 3 reviews not 2). Plus I've also deleted some broken internal links in 4 different threads by marking them as deleted in a similar way.

I have broken my rule once & Void has kindly made it clear that I have done so.

Mïark, totally & completely happy with the changes you've made, I'm sure I probably would have done the same had I got there first. In future though could you please use the <del> tag to mark whatever bit of text you may be changing as deleted. I just think it is more transparent that way. Ta!

Mïark - - Parent



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