Durham review:

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Brook Roberts -

Durham review:

I made the long trip up to Durham for the juggling convention. Made the decision this year to camp for the first time, and was pleased by the fact that I was in fact somwewhere between lukewark and warm in my tent setup. Quite a lot nicer having your own space, that's not right adjacent to the toilets, or in the shared sports hall! The convention seemed reasonably attended, although I do remember there being more people the last couple of years.

Getting 50% on my passing spreadsheet! A while back, I decided to try and do every passing siteswap on James' spreadsheet, and I could only tick them off after a certain number of rounds, with a clean finish, and a couple of other things. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-5WKrIxurNDNxofa94k0_qjtysy2kcan4yGAYPQotg/edit?usp=sharing - has my progress, and the rules, on various tabs. I started about two years ago, although I had a period of about 12 months up until a month ago where I had basically stopped doing it. I look forward to the next 50%! (sort of, the difficulty of the patterns, and of finding people able to do these, is increasing).
Combat tournament - only 8 of us, but still lots of fun. Danny took me to 5-3 in the semi-final, and then I lost to Jon 5-4 in the final. Unclear if I will qualify for this European Masters, but I should be in reasonable contention when these points are counted.
Charles' workshop. I really don't remember the last time I went to a solo juggling workshop rather than a passing one. I really enjoyed this one! It was about spin control, and lots of the patterns were confusing ones, which is exactly what I like, and we rattled through at quite a pace. I had expected a few more with more than 3 clubs though. We did one, which he got off of Luke Wilson, doing 3 club cascade, with spins in a pattern of 1 12 123 23 3 31 312 12 2 23 231 31, which I think I will use as my new backcross warm up - really good for getting very comfortable with throwing good spins out of other tricks.

Lack of space at points due to part of the venue being closed for asbestos removal. I presume this will be fixed by next year though! Meant during show prep, and youth show, there wasn't really much space to juggle.
Not doing as much passing as I would like. Which is lots.


jamesfrancis - - Parent

This seems like a perfect time to tell you I recently updated my Spreadsheet to contain:
- 437 period 7 zap patterns with 5-7 clubs
- 37 period 8 club period 7s (2 sections; 1 with triple selfs and one with triple passes)
- 16 rather ambitious 9 club patterns with triple passes

By my count that puts you back to 26%


I also corrected a few of the invalid tricks.



Brook Roberts - - Parent

I do not recognize the validity of that sheet for my purposes. There is only one true sheet in all its glory.

Also, how can I trust anyone who thinks b88 is ambitious? ;)

Brook Roberts - - Parent

You are also still missing some obscure patterns.

Like whynot.

JonPeat - - Parent

My review of Durham 2015!

The workshop board was great, such a good selection of workshops! I did a quick warm up and headed over to Charle’s spin variation workshop. Learnt some new patterns and thought about some which I already do in a different way. Also enjoyed the Luke Wilson warm up which Brook mentioned.
Went to Jorgelina’s club swinging workshop which was very good indeed. It is rather difficult to make it look smooth and I felt a bit like I was fighting of a swarm of bees at some points. But it was a very good workshop and I intend to practise the moves. My arms and wrists really ached afterwards (even now they feel a bit sore).

The combat tournament. Once we managed to rope a few players in last minute (only 8 players taking part this year) we did manage to hold an enjoyable tournament. I was delighted to beat Brook in the final after another close battle (your qualification sheets were very good Orin!).

I also enjoyed trying a walking 4person popcorn passing pattern fed by Ed, with Brook and Andy. I don’t remember how many clubs and can’t write it down (que Brook!) but it was good fun although pretty hard to get your self-triples to the right place.

A really nice meal and card game with Jenni and Ed. The food, company and game playing was all just right.

The Show. I enjoyed the show very much, a great variety of acts which were all pretty polished. Stand out for me was Charles Brockbank's ring routine (already booked for Leeds convention 2015) and the tightrope act. I really enjoyed Mike's ball spinning act again and I am enjoying seeing the character developments (again, come to Leeds if you missed it!).

I had an epic solo club juggling session on the Sunday morning. Everything felt very clean and slow and I managed some good runs of patterns which I might normally struggle with. Felt really pleased as most of my practise time is spent passing these days and my solo juggling has taken a bit of a hit recently. Feels great to be back in the saddle!

Attendance. It felt very quiet. I don't know if this was a normal attendance but somehow it felt very quiet this year, where was everyone! Shame on you!

My poor siteswap passing ability. Need to spend some more time on these patterns, we just never get round to practising them.

Overall I really enjoyed Durham Convention this year. The venue is nice, the workshops are good, the show was great, it's well organised. I look forward to seeing more of you there next year!

Brook Roberts - - Parent

4 people, 14 clubs. Feeder does 7 club 2 count. Feedees do 6-count popcorn, so trelf,self,double,self,self,self.

Nicked from the rather unbelievably excellent Carpool Lane, at 5:41 - https://vimeo.com/85896096 Feels eminently runnable, but my few attempts at it have struggled to get over a round (our attempts got close). I think with 4 people, all very comfortable with walking while juggling, 7 club popcorn, and weaving, it would work, but it's hard to get 4 people who are solid on all these things! Really enjoyable pattern.

^Tom_ - - Parent

That's excellent - last night I was trying to work out a pattern which is probably this one.

^Tom_ - - Parent

That'll teach me to post before thinking, or looking --- excellent pattern, but not the one I was after.

I'm after an N-shaped feed line with 4 people, 2 feeders, 13 and 14 clubs. Feeders throwing 2-count.
Suggestions on a postcard please.

Brook Roberts - - Parent

14 clubs, feeders to 8 club doubles, feedees do 6 club 4-count, catching doubles, throwing singles? Start with feeders start with the two feedees at the same time, feedees wait a bit before responding with pass.

Never done it, but seems like it would match your requirements?

^Tom_ - - Parent

That would fit, but ideally I was hoping for something with a more equal distribution of difficulty between feeders and feeders.

And if there's anything with a similar 13 and 14 club version, then that's a bonus.

... I think I hear pen, paper, and causal diagrams calling.

Maria - - Parent

Now you got me working out passing patterns too... Not a very equal distribution of difficulty in the 13-club pattern I guess, but at least it is quite similar to the 14-club pattern for the feeders.

Ah, I don't know if the causal diagrams are going to work, because I don't see them in the preview so maybe I did something wrong but I'm sure you can read it anyway.

13 clubs, feedees in 4-count on double passes and feeders 2-count with double passes to the feedees and singles to the other feeder

4b 3 3 3 4b 3 3 3
3 3c 3 4a 3 3c 3 4a
3 4d 3 3b 3 4d 3 3b
3 3 4c 3 3 3 4c 3

14 clubs, feedees doing a 4-count popcorn pattern with double passes and feeders 2-count with double passes to the feedees and singles to the other feeder

5 3 4b 3 5 3 4b 3
3 3c 3 4a 3 3c 3 4a
3 3b 3 4d 3 3b 3 4d
5 3 4c 3 5 3 4c 3

Maria - - Parent

Oh, it worked, I should have specified the hand order then... No reason to have crossing passes and feedees passing left-handed. :)

Orinoco - - Parent

Diagrams corrected - No need to add 'A:' at the start of each line. I've not made that very clear in the instructions & will clear that up.

Maria - - Parent

Great, now my previous comment doesn't make sense anymore becase you changed it so that the feeders are the ones doing lefthanded passes. ;) Thanks, but what I meant was that I would have liked the feedees starting righthanded and feeders starting lefthanded so all the passes are straight and righthanded. I knew that what I wrote would not look like that, but didn't feel like making things too complicated when I could not see the result and wasn't sure if there would be any causal diagrams at all. Would it be possible to get the diagrams to be shown in the preview of the messages? (Can anyone else see causal diagrams in the preview?)

I realized that the letters are not needed when I saw the result.

Maria - - Parent

"didn't feel like making things too complicated" sounds really lazy, what I meant was that I thought it was better to keep it as simple as possible to reduce the risk of errors.

Orinoco - - Parent

After investigating the labyrinth of possible user options turns out that no, no one could preview causal diagrams! I've just copied a change live though, so if you clear your cache1 (specifically in your case of the /js/Small-11111010.js file), causal diagrams should now show up in preview.

1 Coo, I haven't had to say that for ages!

Maria - - Parent

Am I supposed to know how to find a specific file to delete from the cache? Nevermind, I just cleared all cache.

Yes, preview of causal diagrams works now. Thank you! That will simplify things next time I want to post one. :)

^Tom_ - - Parent

Thanks for the causal diagrams! The 2nd one is pretty much exactly one of the ideas that I had half in my head on Monday night, and the 1st one is what I was trying to get clearly into my head :)

For future reference, you should normally be able to load the page in question:
https://jugglingedge.com/js/Small-11111010.js and then force a reload (Ctrl+R or F5 work in most browsers) to update the cache.

Of course if you delete your cache, and then it has no choice but to update the file in cache.

Maria - - Parent

You are welcome, hope you can use them. I have not tried the patterns myself but I might... Though I think the popcorn part might still be a bit too difficult for me.

Oh, so that's how it works! Thanks!

Orinoco - - Parent

So is 'trelf' a common word amongst jugglers?

Maria - - Parent

I have never heard it before, but neither have I tried passing patterns with triple-selfs yet. (When I do 6-count popcorn I do it with heffs.)

Mïark - - Parent

It's a Yorkshire word for the person who mends the website.

Orinoco - - Parent

Arf! It has taken me over 27 hours but I just got that!

Brook Roberts - - Parent

I am attempt to make it seem common by using it without explanation.

Either I or Danny came up with it, mostly because having to clarify between 'triple-self' and 'triple, self' got irritating. See also delf.

I have heard other people using it in conversation though!

Brook Roberts - - Parent

Goes with things like heff, zap and interception - I hope it becomes popular among passers, but I doubt it will outside that group!


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