Another new juggler question:

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Ben Clarke -

Another new juggler question:

I'm currently working on:
1) One ball contact juggling
2) multiball contact juggling
3) toss juggling balls
4) toss juggling clubs

I really have a long way with clubs and only dedicate 2 days of practice a week to them, about an hour each. I'm wondering if I'm biting off too much and I should just continue to get better at balls right now. I find that very challenging and harder than the contact juggling I'm doing.

So I guess my question is "Am I too spread out to progress?" and "When should one start exploring clubs?" and "Is it fine to NEVER pick up clubs or do you think it is good cross training for the other props?"


Little Paul - - Parent

Are you enjoying juggling clubs?

No? Then it's fine to stop!
Yes? Then why would you want to stop?

I think it's always a good idea to get at least a solid base with 3 clubs as a beginner - because club passing is one of the most enjoyable things you can do with other jugglers!

But if you're not having fun, and find something else more fun instead ... do the thing which is fun!

Ben Clarke - - Parent

I like the idea of being good at clubs, but I'm pretty frustrated, I find it very difficult. Maybe finding a juggling club would help

peterbone - - Parent

I suggest you try to learn it if you like the idea of it. Break it down. Learn 3 balls very solid first, at varying heights. Learn 1 club single spin with both hands. Practice low fast throws, high floaty throws and everything in-between. Hold the club near the top of the handle, not at the end. Then work on 2 throws with 2 clubs. Then do the same 2 throws starting with 3 clubs in the hands to learn the 2 clubs in one hand grip. Then progressively add extra throws.

Little Paul - - Parent

I think my concern would be that you said you devote two 1 hour sessions to clubs per week.

Structured practice can be good for many things, but if you're getting frustrated during that hour session you'll stop progressing. So if you find yourself getting worked up, take a break, have something to drink or a snack, switch to another skill - then come back to club juggling later in the session.

Based on what you've said recently about your skill level - I'd suggest you mix all the skills into a single practice session. Vary it and you'll keep your interest up, keep your interest up and you'll progress.

Play is just as important as practice!

Also yes. You absolutely should find a juggling club. Hanging out with other jugglers is hugely beneficial at all skill levels, but especially so for beginners :)

Ben Clarke - - Parent

Would you all say there are any 3 ball requirements before starting clubs? I have a long way to go with 3 balls but currently working on factory and backcrosses, I know mills mess, windmill, box, shower, and other basic patterns, I've started doing simple fountain with 4 balls.

Maria - - Parent

I couldn't do anything but a regular 3b cascade when I started with clubs.

In the beginning I always learned a trick with balls before learning the same trick with clubs, but not anymore. Now I juggle clubs much more than balls, so I am actually better at most tricks with clubs. My 4 clubs fountain is better than my 4 balls fountain (more solid and higher personal record).

I could ask almost the opposite of your clubs question: Should I keep practicing ball juggling too, or is it OK to only do clubs? I seriously consider to skip the 5 ball cascade and 4 ball siteswaps and just learn it with clubs... It seems like a waste of juggling time to do balls when I really just want to get better at club juggling. I mean, except when I don't have my clubs close or when I occasionally just feel like doing some ball juggling.

Cedric Lackpot - - Parent

> Would you all say there are any 3 ball requirements before starting clubs?

There are no hard and fast prerequisites. Whilst proficiency with balls is all but certain to be a considerable help, lack of ball juggling is not a barrier to club juggling.

Bend your knees and go for it.


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