Audience appreciation to trick difficulty ratio.

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Stephen Meschke -

Audience appreciation to trick difficulty ratio.

I have noticed that juggling spectators really like some easy tricks that are easy to perform, and aren't impressed by some very difficult tricks.

For example, these two tricks are similar in difficulty, but the first trick gets a much better audience reaction:

  • 4 club async to sync transition
  • 4 club 552

What are some tricks that are pleasing to an audience and easy to perform?

The Void - - Parent

The drop. They love it. The bastards.

Daniel Simu - - Parent

Tricks that are visual, where the audience can understand the effect, such as indeed going from async to sync, would all work. Surprising and odd helps too.

Some easy moves work well because they are easy to understand:

1 up 4 up
1 high throw out of any pattern
using another body part than your hands ( in an unusual way (rolling a ball over the head))
color changing rings

3 ball moves, check out the tricks of Jeton for inspiration

Stephen Meschke - - Parent

I like those four tricks that you mentioned, they are exactly what I am looking for.

Color changing 3 rings probably has the highest performance value for difficulty.

Daniel Simu - - Parent

Because it is a magic trick. If you want to get even more effect, with less skill, get into magic!

Little Paul - - Parent

less different

Daniel Simu - - Parent

No disrespect to magic, similar to juggling it can be practiced and studied for eternities and often requires a lot of skill.

However, if I were to train someone to entertain an audience for 5 minutes in a show containing at least 5 tricks, I would rather give this person some near-automatic tricks than teach them to juggle. Saves you time and impresses more!


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