Hello, this is the first juggling forum I've ever posted to.

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Michae115 -

Hello, this is the first juggling forum I've ever posted to. I live in the Midwest of the United States and would like to go to a juggling festival if there is one nearby. I am currently learning/practicing the 3 club cascade, club kick ups, and club throws with a double spin.

Michae115 - - Parent

Also I would appreciate any tips for the things I'm currently practicing. I've learned everything I know so far about juggling from YouTube videos (mostly expertvillage and Niels Duinker) but that gives me broad instructions and no feedback. The kick up tutorials I've watched offer little detail. I find my kick ups either spin horizontally instead of vertically meaning they don't flip or they flip but fly off to my right or left (depending on which leg I use) and don't stay close to my body. My double spins, not circus doubles, are all over the place. I try to keep the spin the same as my regular 3 club cascade but through it twice as high. And I still don't know how to recover from catching the club at the bulb instead of the handle. Do I throw it with half a spin or a spin and a half? Should I throw double to give me more time to sort it out? Sorry about all the questions but I am getting frustrated.

Cedric Lackpot - - Parent

Hi Michae1,

Here's a tip - Niels Duinker is a good guy who is very, very good at his art, but drop Expert Village like a hot potato, a lot of their videos are excruciatingly inexpert and you can do much better if you look around.

Maybe try the wonderful Juggling TV for starters? Also check out /r/juggling on reddit, the various groups on Facebook such Juggling Rock and, er, all the others (I don't really like FB very much). And don't restrict yourself to instructional videos, allow yourself to be inspired by all manner of stuff.

Oh yeah, welcome to The Edge!

mike.armstrong - - Parent

Hi Michael,
For kick ups - make sure that you're placing the club consistently and that most of the movement is vertical. Your sole should stay mostly parallel to the ground and your foot should come straight up towards your backside - not sideways.
For doubles you need to throw higher - to get an object to spend twice as much time in the air (and therefore spin twice as many times) you need to throw it four times higher. Because physics.
I found 1.5 spin recoveries easier when I was beginning, but all the classy jugglers use half spins, so I had to change to fit in with the cool kids ;o). Take your pick.
Good luck!

7b_wizard - - Parent

Hi Michae1,

all I know is - and I'm a rookie myself on clubs - :   aim the club's mass center only (a bit like the club were sort of a a spoon with the weight on it). Hope it helps ( as you said they land all over the place ) !

aawray - - Parent

I recomend you to watch Lauri Koskinen tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/viljo/videos

mtb - - Parent

Thanks for these. Look pretty good.

Michae115 - - Parent

Thanks for the advice.


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