Hi everyone, fairly new juggler here (but practised a lot this year)

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LomDodge -

Hi everyone, fairly new juggler here (but practised a lot this year). Went to the EJC and was blown away. Have been getting some great teaching/tips from those fancy jugglers at the Leeds juggling club also. Amongst other things (7 balls mainly!), I'm currently working on (6,4x) back into 5b cascade by kinda throwing a 7 from the opposite hand to the last 6 thrown and then throwing a 5(ish) from the other hand. Not sure if that's right - it's very messy at the minute. What siteswap is this? I've just found this video https://youtu.be/i1Mw0zVae94 where he does a simple transition. Do you know of any other ways to transition back? I know it changes from synch to asynch so is there a way to notate it? Thanks in advance if anyone can help out with this!

RegularJugular - - Parent

Well done on being a beginner at (6x,4)*, and transitions? it took me a lot of effort to get that far, not many do. I may have misunderstood the question, also I don't really care for the siteswap descriptions of those transitions... probably because of laziness. (there use to be siteswap wiki's for that sort of thing though...)

When I want to exit (6x,4)(4,6x) I just throw the 6 ball higher than usual, then 5 starts easily.

When I want to go into the (6x,4)* pattern I just throw a throw that is a bit higher than normal, but less than a 6x, and start it...

While these may take more than on throw to notate, that's how it feels.

What a siteswap simulator won't easily show you is how you instinctively changed your dwell time to make it all fit by trying to make it flow and feel natural...

just my 2 cents.

RegularJugular - - Parent

'one throw to notate', these aren't editable posts are they :p


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