I’ve just watched this, and thought a couple of people here might enjoy it…

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Little Paul -

I’ve just watched this, and thought a couple of people here might enjoy it (and that a couple of other people might grumble that it’s “not juggling” - but we don’t listen to them...)


Tufty - - Parent

That's mesmerising.

The Void - - Parent

It's good, but it's no Alban Elved.

Orinoco - - Parent


Daniel Simu - - Parent

Did anyone here follow the discussion regarding if Yoann's work is original or not?


Tufty - - Parent

While not all of that could be considered plagiarism (how many jugglers have used Bach's fugues, and tried to implement fugal form, for example, and it's not exactly uncommon to see jugglers performing a box, or finishing with a combined catch / bow) it does seem that M. Bourgeois might have been a bit "literal" with the works influencing his own ...


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