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5balls -


I figure it is worth a shot: Are here any finnish jugglers reading, who plan to attend the EJC?

I'm a german juggler but plan to go to the EJC in Lublin and afterwards take two ferries over Sweden to Finland (from Gdańsk / Gdynia). Is there anyone else who plans to take the same route? Or maybe some juggling clubs / jugglers in finland I should visit? I will be roughly two weeks in finland and just starting to plan my journey :).

I'm juggling balls, clubs, rings, flower stick, contact ball, cigar boxes, rubber chickens / eggs and everything else I'd like to (I might not be able to bring all of those along with me though). I also like to pass clubs with other jugglers.


5balls - - Parent

I don't think anyone can juggle Gda, maybe the pattern recognition in the forum is a bit ambitious ;).


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