7b_wizard's practice log

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5 ball tricks, 52 minutes

27' + 25' - 5b rev casc - ___ 131 (@ 10'), //10'//, 122, 141 throws runs longer than 120 throws. ___ [ 5b reverse cascade progress: 141 ]

Total practice time: 52 minutes

Location: indoors low ceiling

Comments (10)
Guili - you are so close to the 9b flash! did you ever get it?
7b_wizard - yeah .. got it once with smaller balls a few years ago, and now once with normal size MMX1 last fall. But I've gotten upto at leat 15 throws to crash, which feels much more like "doing nine".
Guili - 15! that a lot! wait... cause you count throws.. i count catches like the TJE record keeper does... haha so,15 th it's like throwing the 9, and catching 6 of them?
Guili - well done anyway! now I have my new 53mm balls, and i bought 9, I'm going to have to try it :)
7b_wizard - yeh .. 15 throws is between at least only 6 catches, when already the 7.th launched ball drops, and 14 catches when the very last ball drops, which to keep track of I don't have any free attention left over for.
7b_wizard - .. but it's doing those rethrown balls from a nice well-shaped, well-aligned and well-timed pattern launched that jus' feels great like indeed "juggling nine". ( no matter what exactly drops when exactly, .. I want more anyway ;-] )
7b_wizard - and thanks!
7b_wizard - The first big challenge with five balls in one hand at start is to ``push´´ that first ball up well-aimed on an apt height with little contact from only one finger (index or ringfinger).
7b_wizard - Also throwing the first of four balls in hand from weakhand is new and needs some calibrating before it comes fluent.
7b_wizard - But, hey, after failing and blundering on 9b a few minutes, 7b feels like only 5b. ( /\_(9>7) = "7=5" lol )