7b_wizard's practice log

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7 balls, 5 balls, 8 balls, #PR, #StagesOfLearning, #technique, #efficiency, #otu, #conditions, #ballproperties, 160 minutes

3' 5b warmup.
5b 52567 - 12 min.   No great yield (4th and 5th sides), but okay for short stint and it felt okay.
8b wimpy - 20 min.   #SoL, #technique, #otu, #efficiency - remembered I did too narrow last time, so wanted to use width better; on that behalf, other than usual, did the first pair of throws to collect for calibration once or twice to make sure I wouldn't be throwing ``somewhere up somehow´´, which was very helpful!?   10 catches clean, awkard last 2 catches with several contacts tilting them up before catching them arm to body, new #PR, and confirmed soon after. Further 8 c cl twice, 9 gathers, 12 throws.
7b casc - 115 min.   41, 51, 41, 53, 47 throws longest runs.   [ daily7b II: 53 ] 4 gathers on an impulsive 7 up 180° - maybe not impossible.
5b fastest - 10 min.

#conditions - partly in the rain, made balls slip when wet or stick to hands when slightly moist.

Total practice time: 160 minutes

Location: concrete area among fields

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