(2da CIRCO al Fin del Mundo to its friends)
All juggling events in 2013
Juggling events in Chile, 2013
Thursday, 11 July 2013 to Sunday, 14 July 2013
Que es CIRCO al fin del mundo?
Circo al fin del mundo, Punta Arenas, es un evento de cuatro días que se realiza anualmente en la región, organizado por Circo Austral y la Red Chilena de Circo Social. El evento es una especie de reunión anual de artistas autodidactas y profesionales, además de personas interesadas en aprender diferentes disciplinas y artes escénicas enmarcadas en una atmósfera circense.
Dentro de este evento se enmarcan actividades tales como: Talleres para gente entre 7 y 40 años. Noche de malabares con Fuego con artistas y talleristas invitados de Santiago y Buenos Aires, una gala de circo con los mejores shows, competencias de malabaristas y otras actividades.
Algunos de los talleres que se vienen: Tela, cuerda, trapecio fijo, aro aéreo, hatha yoga, contact, vara, malabar, swing-poi, mano a mano, stretching, y muchos otros...
What is the Circus at the end of the world?
Circus at the end of the world, Punta Arenas, is a four-day event held annually in the region, organized by Circo Austral and the Red Chilena de Circo Social. The event is a kind of annual meeting and professional self-taught artists, as well as people interested in learning different arts disciplines and framed in a circus atmosphere.
Within this event fall activities such as workshops for people aged between 7 and 40 years. Fire juggling Night with guest artists and workshop Santiago and Buenos Aires, a circus show of the best shows, jugglers competitions and other activities.
Some of the workshops are: silks, rope, fixed trapeze, aerial hoop, hatha yoga, contact, staff, juggling, swing-poi, hand in hand, stretching, and many others ...