All juggling events in 2013
Juggling events in Australia, 2013
Friday, 8 November 2013 to Sunday, 10 November 2013
Spring CampOut is the Perth Fire Group's annual spring camping trip. The weekend consists of; eating, drinking, chilling, music, fire twirling and general tom-foolery. We set the date and location, you BYO the rest (camping gear, food, drinks, fire gear etc). There are no workshops or catering or accomodation provided
The event runs from Friday afternoon/evening to Sunday lunchtime-ish. You are free to come at any stage over the weekend and leave whenever you like. Some people come for the full weekend, some just come for a night.
If you wish to join us you are most welcome, but we ask that you come prepared. This is a camping trip, so please bring all your own camping supplies - food, drinks, tent or camper, warm clothes, camp chair etc. Also, we never have enough wood, so please pick up a bag of wood on your way to camp.