24. Pyramidales Jonglier und Kleinkunstfestival

(Pyramidales Jonglier und Kleinkunstfestival to its friends)

All juggling events in 2014
Juggling events in Germany‎, 2014

There is another Karlsruhe Jonglierfestival event coming up: 31. Karlsruher Jonglierfestival


Thursday, 11 September 2014 to Sunday, 14 September 2014


Weiherhof 4, 76227 Karlsruhe



This is a Karlsruhe Jonglierfestival event.


Akrobaten und Einradfahrer sind selbstverständlich herzlich willkommen!

- weitere Infos auf http://pyramidal.kleinkunst-ka.de


Dear English-speaking visitors,

welcome to the Karlsruhe Juggling Festival 2014! We offer four days of juggling, workshops, shows and general fun :-)
There is no preregistration necessary, just come and visit us from 11-14 Sept in Karlsruhe. We look forward to welcoming you in September!

Who went

Pyramidales Jonglier und Kleinkunstfestival elsewhere on the Edge

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