Sheffield Circus Skills Convention 2017

(SCSC to its friends)

All juggling events in 2017
Juggling events in United Kingdom‎, 2017


Saturday, 24 June 2017, 10:00 to 22:00


Octagon Centre, Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TQ



Other events that happened at SCSC

Fight Night Combat Tournament


Dissapointed you didn't get a ticket to Glastonbury? Well cry no more because Sheffield has an alternative to offer....the second Sheffield Circus Skills Convention!

Featuring workshops, games, huge eight-sided practice space (unicycle friendly), a fabulous show, and at about 5% of the cost, your mates will rue the day they chose glasto over the infamous SCSC. There will also be free tea and coffee so....


Open to all levels- complete beginners to super professionals! If you would like to run a workshop or just get involved, email :)

Doors at 10am
Workshops begin at 11am
Games at 3pm
Main hall empty and closed for tech run 5-7pm.
Doors for show open at 7pm.

Prices (admission is pay on the door!):
Full day admission including show- £10
Show only- £5
Family Ticket (2 Adults, 2 Under 18s)- £30
Under 10s FREE!

Car parking and places to eat:

Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear for workshops (eg trainers, comfy loose clothing).

Under 18s should be accompanied by an adult.

Who went

SCSC elsewhere on the Edge

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