All upcoming juggling events
Upcoming juggling events in Italy
101 days to go!
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Tuesday, 27 May 2025 to Wednesday, 4 June 2025
This event runs over the following national holidays:
Festa della Repubblica - Monday, 2 June 2025
8 days, 50hours of lessons + Sharing practice + Fire Jams + Open Stage + Parties.
Under the breath taking slopes of Volcano Etna, right in front of lava flow that connects 3000mt of active 🌋 Volcano to the Mediterranean blue sea 🌊 between Catania and Messina, the flowarts community meet in rich and wild nature to celebrate the element of Fire, the art of Flow, object manipulation and to deepen the knowledge and the respect for our bodies from which it all starts and to which it all comes back to.
Il Vulcan Flowarts aims to be a path of artistic and personal growth through collective work and integration of nature, healthy food (mostly locally and biologically grown), sharing community and the Art of feeling good as we learn.
Designed to be a 360° path, multilevel and open to everyone (from beginners to advanced) Vulcan Flowarts offers more than 54 hours of classes and extra activities with the goal of organically integrating pure body work with objects manipulation techniques to create, improve and characterise your own flow, finding the right balance between technique and personal expression.