All upcoming juggling events
Upcoming juggling events in United Kingdom
69 days to go!
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Friday, 25 April 2025 to Sunday, 27 April 2025
Welcome to Yorkshire's Second Acrobatics Convention!
We have a sports hall in the centre of Leeds for 3 days to play, learn, train and socialise!
We will be offering workshops in a range of standing acro and acro-yoga skills, including l-base flows, standing f2h & h2h tricks and fundamentals, icarian, handstands & more.
Beginners - With the north being famously friendly, we welcome you with open arms to come along and have a go! There will always be a workshop suitable for beginners / open level.
Intermediates - All the fun, challenges and variety for you. We will be offering options for standing and l-base, every round and will be looking to teach you new and exciting skills, as well as give you drills to work on at home to master your high level basics.
Advanced - You wont be sat around twiddling your thumbs. We are bringing some high level teachers that will up the difficulty for you and keep you on your toes (or hands, feet whichever body part of you’re choosing), and if that doesn't take your fancy, there will be plenty of space to jam.