Circulation Festival

All juggling events in 2008
Juggling events in New Zealand‎, 2008


Friday, 14 November 2008 to Monday, 17 November 2008


Whare Flat, Dunedin



Circulation Festival is a four-day festival that will play host to a load of workshops primarily in circus, manipulation and fire performance but also in music and environmental awareness. Expect to meet up with more than 100 performers from around the country including the crème de la crop of talent from Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch. This year the site location has changed to a larger area to incorporate the festivals growing demand. Now based at Whare Flat, only 20 minutes away from Dunedin, the site is hidden amongst manuka glade that rings with native birdsong.

To accompany the festival this year we have decided to celebrate its coming of age by throwing an all night outdoor dance party in addition to all the other features.

Not only this, but the ticket price is only $80, which includes FULL CATERING from a specialized vegetarian and vegan chef, and we have cabins (limited to just under 100 people before tent sites are available).

TICKETS $80NZD AVAILABLE FROM COSMIC CORNER, in Dunedin , NZ or by e-mailing

Who went

Circulation Festival elsewhere on the Edge

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