Finding Enrico Rastelli's tomb

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Dee -

Finding Enrico Rastelli's tomb

On my way home from #EJC2015 my route happened to have a full day in Bergamo with two other jugglers. We couldn't resist making the trip to Rastelli's tomb. Despite others having made the pilgrimage, there was a lack of clear description of how to get there and whether it is difficult to find.

It is very easy. Go to the main cemetery - nearest tram stop is Bergamo S. Fermo (two stops from the tram terminus at the main train station) - but we only went a single stop and walked as this was covered by the cheaper day ticket..

Then, asking the very helpful attendant at the entrance, who was quite enthusiastic when he realised what we were looking for, we found that it is very simple to find. In this map of the graveyard, I have marked the location of Rastelli's tomb by the circle. The cemetery is very exposed to the sun, so you probably don't want to spend too much excessive time wandering around on an August day during peak sun!

If you do have a few hours to spare in Bergamo, I can recommend a trip out to the cemetery [how long you'll need will largely depend on how much time you want to spend at the tomb - travel time from the main station is perhaps 10 minutes].


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