7 ball juggling robot

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RegularJugular -

7 ball juggling robot


While perhaps not as impressive as the one that juggles 5 balls in the air https://youtu.be/9asDO_1A27U apparently that requires extremely expensive linear motors.

However even on a slope 53 seconds is impressive for 7 balls although I really want to see how the pattern is started. Also I hope he creates an entry in his build log explaining how this version works

RegularJugular - - Parent

Also I hope he builds a version that can do siteswaps, as the projects creator states he wishes to do.

Little Paul - - Parent

I'm dissapointed that there is no feedback mechanism. If you took the balls away the hands would continue to "throw"

In this respect, it's not much different to Shannon's machine from almost half a century ago.

It's a fun toy, but im not convinced he'll get to the "arbitrary Siteswap" goal with that approach :(

Still, anyone building anything should be encouraged... Good luck to you nathan

varkor - - Parent

It's certainly a good start. The build log is rather interesting too. I wonder if a regular cascade could be achieved by simply reversing the motor directions. I imagine he starts the pattern by placing the ball bearings individually, like in his other videos. It's a pity those linear motors are so expensive...

Stephen Meschke - - Parent

Nathan Peterson's Youtube comment:
I wanted to do inside throws, and normally those would be easier, but I ran into an issue where the ball would hit the inside wall of the hand as it was being thrown. This is because the hand moves in the opposite direction as the ball during inside throw, but outside throws do not have this problem. Also this would not be a problem if the hands were shallower. I need to fix this problem at some point.


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