Jugglers, help me please with 4 club siteswaps.

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Ilia Poliakov -

Jugglers, help me please with 4 club siteswaps. I must see how good jugglers do tricks - it will helps me to understand some things. But it is very hard to find video with this tricks.
I interested in 534 double flat single or single single single, half shower flats, 642 double single, 561,7531 etc.
So, any 4 club siteswaps, better with low turn. I like more flats and singles

peterbone - - Parent

I like these kind of tricks with low spins. I do 534 on singles in my best bits video. I'm working on 534 double flat single mills mess. I have a video somewhere of 561 single double and I've seen videos of people doing it on singles (Tony Pezzo). Denis Paumier does 7531 on singles. I'd also recommend the spin factory video by Iver Tronstad. I've also worked on 741 and 714 in double singles. Sorry for no video links. I don't have time to search at the moment.

Jaz Auden - - Parent

Hey Peter, jaz here. you were helping me with my 6x4 and USCS. You may have an answer for my last thread about mmx balls as you use them if I remember right. just querying about the the best size for 6/7 balls and if they are a good starting point for training 6 and eventually 7 balls

Ilia Poliakov - - Parent

Thanks,I will try to find this videos.


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