Sharing and Viewing Juggling Videos: Problems and Solutions

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Stephen Meschke -

Sharing and Viewing Juggling Videos: Problems and Solutions

I use several websites and social networks to view and share juggling videos. Each portal has advances and disadvantages. Advertising content, promotion by algorithm, and biased voting are frustrating disadvantages to the mainstream portals, like Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, etc...

To overcome these frustrations, I have written a simple app that just plays juggling videos. The app queries the database for videos that are tagged with #jugglegram. The videos are then displayed in a list of thumbnails. When a thumbnail is clicked, the user is sent to a detail activity were the video plays.

Link to video of the demonstrating the app.
Screenshots: Img #1, Img #2.
The app can be download here*: Link to .apk.
The source code can be found here: Source code Github repository.

*To install this app, download the .apk file. Transfer the file to the Android device. Navigate to that file, and click on it to install. You may need check the 'Unknown sources' box in Security. Internet is required to use the app.


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