Quality time.

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momo -

Quality time.

I recognized that I have spent more than a year of my life (> 400 days) on circus conventions. That is a lot, but it has been a great year!

So thank you to all organizers and participants who made this a time I appreciate.

Scott Seltzer - - Parent

Impressive. I've been to around 250 days of conventions: 9 EJCs (9 days), 26 IJCs (mostly 5 days each), a few other international conventions, and a handful of local weekend events.

momo - - Parent

I always wanted to attend an IJC, but never made it. The stories of those people who attended the event and the videos (Let Them Come - Neta Oren, Toss Up And Sides Again - Ori Roth) made me want to be at this special location.

The Void - - Parent

You have 104 attended events in your JE profile. I'm at 209, so I'd guess I've been somewhere around 2 years in Juggleland. Roll on the next one.

Marvin, could you pick up this piece of pโ€” sorry, I mean, add up all our event-days for us please?

momo - - Parent

Happy 2 year conventionversary!

209 Events is impressive. I think I met you at EJC 2011 Munich and BJC 2018 Canterbury.

I have been to 8 EJCs and many 4 days events. What impresses me also that almost a third of the events (not days) I took part where abroad. So I am also happy that I could travel to foreign countries.

Orinoco - - Parent

Your profile will now tell you how many days you've spent at juggling festivals.

& because we are all curious here is the full Festival attendance Leaderboard.

If you haven't updated which festivals you've attended for a while remember you can view the events list in Update attendance mode which adds a column of links to quickly add yourself to lots of festivals.


Orinoco - - Parent

It would appear regular Bungay attendees have a distinct advantage in this aspect!

Little Paul - - Parent

Woohoo! Top 10 baby!

Not bad considering itโ€™s been 5 years since I turned up in person at anything at all

The Void - - Parent

Thanks Orinoco! I suspect me being on top is more due to full record-keeping, 3 virtual BBUs (which, clearly, "don't count"), and a few kendama and yo-yo events being in there too. Plus there are some events I wasn't at for the whole duration, but also a few early ones that aren't on the list, so I reckon I can still claim a full 2 years-worth. But someone younger and keener could easily close the gap with a consistent 5-10 years work. :-)

Maria - - Parent

I guess place 42 isn't bad (nice number at least), considering I have also been to 14 week-long juggling events that aren't even on JugglingEdge. (Because invite only and mailing list.)
Does cancelled events count?

Orinoco - - Parent

Ah yes, I forgot about that!

It now does not include cancelled events.

Richard Loxley - - Parent

Wooo - #1 at 837 days! For now, until other people update theirs and overtake me ๐Ÿ˜‰

4% of my life at juggling conventions. Or 7.6% of my life since I discovered conventions at age 25. Not bad going.


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