On my way to the BJC

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Daniel Simu -

On my way to the BJC

Oh and seriously, this forum should get a bit less Britain centered!

Mïark - - Parent

Have a great time, I am sorry I will not able to go this year. (I am assuming the J doesn't stand for Judo, Jewish or Junior)

Britain centred? but that is where the meridian is located.


Little Paul - - Parent

I agree, we need more input from people outside the uk, though being in the uk I'm not best placed to drive that! Spread the word about the edge while you're at Berlin, and make sure you give us a write up when you get back :)

Orinoco - - Parent

Indeed, I'd love to hear more about what is going on elsewhere. But this is a forum, the content is only as good as the posts you write.

Almost half the membership is UK based (according to timezone data) so understandably content is UK centric, but The 25% of American jugglers (10% in New York) & the 6% of Germans are notably quiet.

I can only assume that the reason why we Brits talk about our conventions more is because they are better than those happening in the rest of the world ;)

I will be expecting an eye-wateringly long me style in depth analysis of the event when you return Hapiel!

Little Paul - - Parent

I don't know about you, but I talk about British fests because I go to those, I've only ever been out of the uk to a fest about 6 times in the 20mumble years I've been juggling... And the last of those was in 2002!

So yes, tell me how awesome Berlin is/was and the same goes for other non-uk fests! :)

Daniel Simu - - Parent

Ill consider a you style analysis ;)


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